End homelessness?

Canada Can Do It.

But our assumptions are getting in the way of solutions.

Take the quiz, test your assumptions and learn how you can help end homelessness in Canada.

You can help end homelessness — join the movement today.

The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness leads a national movement of people, organizations and communities working together to end homelessness.

Homelessness in Canada was created when the federal government stopped building affordable homes. We're working to end homelessness by building a people-powered movement to change government policy so everyone has a place to call home.

We work directly with communities to transform their response to homelessness, helping them make the switch from managing to ending homelessness. The communities that we work with are some of the only communities reducing and ending homelessness in Canada. You can read more about our work here.

Add your name now and join the movement to end homelessness

Step 1: Join the movement.

Add your name and join the movement to end homelessness. You'll receive campaign emails from the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness about what you can do to end homelessness in your community and across the country.

Step 2: Donate if you can.

Not everyone is able to, but if you can, please contribute financially to support our work.

Step 3: Tell your friends and stay engaged.

Ending homelessness is going to take time and a large movement of people taking action. Help us build the movement by sharing with your friends, co-workers and family.

Add your name now and join the movement to end homelessness